9-Modernization in China

When China switched from the old Imperialist ways to it's now Communist form of Governing, another type of global effect came about and that was "Modernization". Here are some of the modern characters that you can see in China today:
  • China's "Open door Policy"-What this does (under the new control of Deng Xiaoping) is allow for China to open up it's economy to the rest of the world. This gave way for lots of new opportunities for China to import/export with other countries, flourishing China's economy in the end.
  • Military Modernization-as a part of the "Open door Policy"-"Beijing is constructing a series of defensive positions in Manchuria, considering the purchase of modern anti- tank weapons and artillery from the U.S., and apparently experi- menting with nuclear mines. In the near future Beijing expects to receive and store under the Gobi Desert nuclear waste from Western Europe. The lethal contamination from this waste could make potential invasion routes impassable for Soviet forces moving through Mongolia." (Keep in mind, that China's Communist Party had competition with the Soviets (Russia) Communist Party).
Overall, China has expanded and is working towards its 3-step goal to modernizing. All the while, we as Americans are keeping a close eye on their progress as to make sure that China's old way of dealing with issues, doesn't creep back up again. I tell you all of this, because many countries dealt-in one form or another-an attack on their systems (whether through wars, famines, etc). Being an American, I believe it is important for us to know about other countries way of life and especially if we have had some kind of relationship with that country.