8-Chinese cultural traditions

Have you had enough exposure? Could use more? Well, one can never learn too much! When you think about the culture you grew up, what were some of the traditions that only your culture uniquely practiced? Well, China definitely had its own traditions, both in the older times and now in the modern time.
Some of these traditions included:
Women's foot-binding: Having smaller feet was considered an attractive characteristic to have for a woman. Just hearing the word can send the message of pain ringing through your ears, but to the ancient Chinese, this was just one of the many unique traditions that they held as precious to their country. (This form of tradition is no longer used, thankfully!)

The Chinese had their own spiritual beliefs that included the worship of deities such as: Guan Yin, Jade Emperor, Buddha. They also practiced fortune-telling. 
The Chinese take part in many aspects of the arts such as fine arts, folk arts and performance arts. They hold many festivals in honor of various Chinese characters such as the gods they worshipped, as well as some holidays that we as Americans even celebrate! The picture below is the Chinese New Year and like many of China's festivals or parades, a dragon is representative for their majestic power. The Chinese dragon is also representative as the Male symbol, Yang. The dragon also symbolizes the climate as far as bringing rain and water.